Nochevieja en Mercado Little Spain!

Comer doce uvas mientras suenan las campanadas que dan paso al nuevo año es una tradición española extendida a un buen número de países latinoamericanos. En 2020 las uvas de la suerte llegarán también a Estados Unidos. Esa ventana que desde Nueva York muestra al mundo la gastronomía española, Mercado Little Spain, ofrecerá a sus seguidores, de la manera más divertida, la oportunidad. 

This Nochevieja, celebrate the new year the Spanish way – that is, with plenty of great food, music, sparkling wine, and of course, eating 12 grapes right at midnight. This tradition – las doce uvas de la suerte, or «the twelve grapes of luck» – is more than a century old, and is as celebratory to Spaniards as watching fireworks is to New Yorkers. So join us on December 31 for an all-inclusive takeover of the Mercado, featuring plentiful food and drinks, DJs, dancers, street performers, photo booths and more.

And if you manage to finish all 12 grapes during the 12 chimes of the clock at midnight, you’re ensuring that 2020 will be the best year yet, full of good luck, good fortune, and good food!

About this Event

Welcome 2020 with an unforgettable Nochevieja en Mercado Little Spain! This all-inclusive takeover of the full Mercado features plentiful food and drinks throughout. Lauded by the New York Times as having «more great food and drinks per square foot than anywhere else in New York,» you’re guaranteed a delicious start to the New Year.